My name is Katrina, a certified life coach. I am a mum of 2 children, Theo and Olivia and wife to my husband, Luke. We live in Kent and I'm extremely blessed and grateful to live a happy and fulfilled life. Perfectly imperfect and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I want to explain a bit about by back story and what led me to become a coach.
Up until 2018, I think it’s safe to say that I didn’t always lead such a positive life. I grew up on multiple South East London Council Estates and I am the eldest of 6 children. Back then, money was quite tough and I unknowingly I formed a lot of stories and beliefs as to what was possible for me.
I was never one of those people that left school with a clear indication of what my career path would be.
I had various different job roles before settling following my head over my heart into the corporate world in a bid to find validation and to make something of myself.
I always had a nagging feeling that I never really felt good enough. I was never one of the top performers and there were quite a few aspects of the job I didn’t enjoy at all.
My very 1st serious relationship was extremely controlling and very abusive and as a result of that, I had quite low self esteem and lacked confidence.
I then went on to meet my daughter’s father and ex-husband. We had quite a stable relationship that lasted a decade, but unfortunately that ended in divorce. That was a really tough time for me. I was a single mum with a newborn and was suffering with heartbreak. It really hit me hard and was a very traumatic experience. Thankfully, we have a great co-parent relationship now.
It was around 2010 that I experienced issues with my mental health which led to me being diagnosed with GAD, Panic disorder, Intrusive thoughts and OCD and again this was a really challenging time for me. I lost count the amount of times I would end up in A&E convinced there was something majorly wrong with me. I was told that I needed intensive therapy.
I then went on to meet my now husband and I fell pregnant with our son in 2018. This was when things began to spiral for me. I really started to suffer with my mental health again and was diagnosed with pre and post natal depression, I was on medication and this continued after he was born. I just felt so many low emotions. I was so unhappy, I felt desperately lost. I felt so guilty for even feeling this way as I had a loving family. To add to that my physical health began to fail and I suffered with quite serious back issues which was extremely debilitating. I was gaining weight, I felt unattractive and like life was slowly passing me by.
I had lost hope in my future. I didn’t have a clue what I would do for a career. I felt a completely lost in my own self identity. This had a detriment on my relationship. I felt that I couldn't be the wife, mother and friend I wanted to be. I tried to hide it often wearing a mask, but masks eventually slip.
My husband would often come home to find me sitting on the floor crying. I knew something had to change. I vowed that I needed to build myself from the ground up and rediscover who I was.
I definitely used to be quite a negative person. I had this woe is me/victim mentality and for quite some time, I was so stuck in my story and I let that define my life.
They say that once you hit rock bottom, there is only one way up.
I would say that my path to connect with my spirituality, personal development and coaching really came at divine timing.
I made the big decision to invest in the most important person in my life - ME! - I decided to hire a mindset coach.
The profound changes in me were mind blowing and the journey I have been on has truly been transformational.
I now have confidence, self worth and belief in myself. I wake up and absolutely love what I do. I have created a life of design that has given me the freedom, flexibility and balance. My marriage is stronger and happier. I am able to show up as the mother I have always wanted to be and I have really solid, friendships in my life and my physical and mental health is better than it was in my 20s and 30s. I have energy and vitality and I have a genuine excitement and joy for life.
I decided that I wanted to help others with their own transformations which led me to train as a coach myself.
I truly believe that pain can be our biggest power and connect us to our purpose and I know that this is mine.
I have been where you are, and stood in your shoes and I hope I can be your glimmer of hope that you too can find true fulfilment and happiness in your life and reach your own definition of success.
For 121 coaching enquiries, to book Katrina for workshops, Key Note Speaking or podcast collaborations please email contact@kscoachingservices.co.uk
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